LA USA - Business Strategy
Latin America / USA
Our services focus on the interest of our American clients to expand their activities to Latin America or our Latin customers to expand their activities in the USA.
We use the deep expertise we have conquered over the years and our strong local and international network of Embassies, Chamber of Commerce, trade and industry organizations to open the right doors for each project. Our mission is to help our clients develop their activities in several countries, maintaining close contact with our colleagues who are spread throughout the region. Each story is different and we do not follow a path with shelf solutions, but together we define which path will lead to success.
With offices in the US and Brazil and affiliated partners in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, we are an experienced forward-thinking company supporting new and existing companies in the US and Latin America and assisting Latin-based companies to enter the market from the USA. We offer a unique menu of options and techniques specifically tailored to smaller companies and entrepreneurs who can not afford the premium prices of the "Big-Four Consulting Services" league, but still require the highest professionalism, dedication and expertise.
We care. We know how much your company means to you and your family, to your team, to your people. We've been there. And we're here to help you.

Priority Markets
We can help our clients in different types of markets and their business segments, but we have priority markets, where we have permanent demands and continuous monitoring of new opportunities and their particularities, both for businesses established in the US and for Latin American businesses.
We highlight below the main markets and segments in which we already have extensive experience and mastery of market information, customers, key players and government regulations.

"Intelligent City" is that innovative urban space that uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and other means to improve the quality of life, efficiency of urban operations and services and competitiveness, meeting the needs of economic, social and environmental aspects; must be attractive to citizens, entrepreneurs and workers, generating jobs and reducing inequalities.

It is the broad action between the use of technologies related to solutions for governments and citizens. We define "GovTech" as the technology infrastructure and innovative solutions that government departments use to do their inner work or provide services to their "customers", ie citizens.

Artificial intelligence has gained its place in governments and private organizations, including its share of the budget. Solutions that involve robots advance, driven by the motivation to reduce costs and increase productive capacity. Among the latest technology, there are machines that can talk to customers and systems that analyze incredible amounts of data in just seconds.

We specialize in P, D & I in Environmental Sustainability.
Environmental sustainability is closely linked to the term sustainable development, which aims to use the products of the environment without destroying or extinguishing them, while ensuring financial, technological, industrial development, etc.

Agribusiness has been the great engine of the Brazilian economy in recent years. However, to keep pace with growth, we must understand the technological advance as something positive and invest in the development of new AgroTechs.
Agriculture and livestock will be radically impacted by technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics and automation, big data, sensory devices, blockchain and other innovations that enable greater predictability, productivity and efficiency.
Our Offices

New York

São Paulo
New York represents one of the world's leading economies. The city, which was traditionally run by media, real estate and finance companies, is now being dictated by technology.
According to a Bloomberg study, impacted by The Verge , technology is already the second largest market in the Big Apple.The industry is still growing in more remote neighborhoods, such as Brooklyn and Queens. The survey also reveals that the US technology industry is already hiring more blacks and Hispanics than whites.
"New York quickly reinvented itself as a world of class, technology, urban and information hub - uniting technology startups known worldwide, media, design and entertainment companies," concludes the study. "Now, New York's technology / information sector is a key driver for the city's economy, generating thousands of jobs and supporting economic growth throughout the city."
The survey speaks of 262,000 jobs in the industry-an 11 percent increase since the 2007 crisis. Altogether, $ 30 billion in technology salaries are distributed annually in NY - just short of the $ 90 billion still dominant finance area. However, as numbers grow for technology, those of finance have fallen.
The city of São Paulo is a reference when it comes to innovation in Latin America, the capital of São Paulo concentrates over 60% of national investments in startups, as well as two thousand technology ventures, as well as hosting transnational giants.
São Paulo is home to numerous unicorn startups, including the Mobility application 99, Fintech Nubank and the real estate Quinto Andar.
The largest city in South America has a rapidly evolving innovation ecosystem. Opportunities in São Paulo grow for investors who can navigate the megalopolis's complexities and use them to create or develop offers.
With a population of almost 15 million people, half of the Brazilian billionaires and a slice of 18% of the country's GDP, the capital of São Paulo is often referred to as Brazil's innovation power.
The city concentrates more than 60% of the national investments in startups, in addition to two thousand technology ventures

Buenos Aires

Cidade do México
The Argentine government is convinced that entrepreneurship plays a central role in generating wealth and employment for the city and the country. The policies created have a broad vision of the entrepreneur as agent of change and creator of economic, social and environmental value anywhere.
Even before the current administration, the City of Buenos Aires had several programs for entrepreneurs. Part of the Support Plan has united these initiatives and those created in the new management in three main management axes: human capital, development of the entrepreneurial community and access to financing .
The Argentine government quickly managed to give strategic direction to the policies of promotion to entrepreneurship, consolidating and aligning the entrepreneurial community and the local government in this sense.
Currently, support for entrepreneurs is one of the priorities in the Argentine government. And the collaboration of the entire local ecosystem explains, to a large extent, the award that Buenos Aires won in the Global Cities Challenge.
Among the most important results achieved by the government initiatives and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Argentina are:
- Training more than 10,000 people with entrepreneurial education, business modeling techniques and agile problem solving methodologies at Academia Buenos Aires Empreende . These courses were done not only in the spaces originally planned, but also in the city's public schools, companies, public bodies and informal neighborhoods;
- Organization of events and meetings to promote the entrepreneurial culture, in which more than 20,000 people participated;
- Co-investments, along with accelerators, in various companies and entrepreneurial projects;
- The entrepreneurial ecosystem of Buenos Aires is represented in the Entrepreneurial Map , which contains information on more than 900 stakeholders in the city, including companies, accelerators, incubators, coworkers, universities, etc.
Mexico has a free-market economy focused on exports. It is the second largest economy in Latin America , behind only Brazil and the fourth economy of the American continent. In the world ranking Mexico is in 12th place.
The Mexican economy is made up of a mix of old and modern industries and agricultural systems, both increasingly dominated by the private sector.
Today Mexico and the only country that is part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) maintains free trade agreements (FTAs) with more than 40 countries, including Japan, Israel, the European Union and several Central Americancountries and South America . A very important FTA for Mexico is with NAFTA (signed with the USA and Canada in 1992 and implemented in 1994). In order to understand the economic importance of Mexico's inclusion in NAFTA in 2006, approximately 90% of exports and 55% of imports were negotiated with northern partners.
The bases of the Mexican economy are: services, industry, commerce, agriculture and mining. Mexican industry stands out in the automotive sectors (there are factories of Volkswagen, GM, Ford, Honda, BMW, Nissan and Mercedes-Benz producing in that country), petrochemical (Pemex), textile and paper, cement (Cemex) and construction, food and beverages (Grupo Modelo and FEMSA - the 2nd largest Coca-Cola bottler in the world) and mineral (the country extracts iron, zinc, copper, lead , magnesium , silver - 3rd largest producer in the world - mercury , sulfur and gold) . Services (trade, transport, hotels, telecommunications, etc.) account for about 70% of GDP and employ almost 60% of the economically active population.


Ciudad del Este
The Chilean economy is known internationally as one of the most solid in the continent. During the military period (1973-1990), the neoliberal model was adopted, which was maintained by later governments. Thanks to a strong institutional base and strong parliamentary cohesion focused on economic policy, Chile maintained an annual growth rate of 7% during the 1990s and a 5% growth rate from 2000 to 2007.
Since the 1970s, Chile has maintained a policy of reducing tariffs and eliminating trade barriers. Thanks to the free trade policy, Chile has signed treaties with important partners such as: NAFTA , the European Union , Mercosur , China, EFTA, P4, India, Japan, South Korea , among others. Chile is the country with the highest number of free trade agreements signed with economic areas that represent 90% of the world population.
Despite having a little more than 16 million inhabitants in 2007, Chile's economy was the fifth largest in Latin America , if GDP reached 175 billion dollars and its per capita income was 9,870 dollars (the largest in Latin America ). GDP grew by 5.1%, inflation was 7.8% and unemployment was 7.8%.
The Chilean economy is characterized by being open (focused on exports), it is in Chile's plans to become one of the 15 largest food suppliers in the world. Today, however, Chile exports 45% of mineral products (35% of the world's copper, molybdenum , silver and gold), 45% of industrial and agroindustrial products ( methanol , cellulose, wood, salmon and wine of internationally recognized quality) and the remaining 10% are from agricultural products (fruits and vegetables). Chile imports machinery, apparel and petroleum products.
Chile's economic growth in recent decades has improved some social aspects, life expectancy has increased (74 for men and 80 for women), illiteracy of 3%, infant mortality rate of 7.8 / 1000 of developed countries) and poverty reduction from 45.1% (1987) to 13.7% (2006), was the first Latin American country to meet and exceed poverty reduction targets for this millennium.
The measures adopted by the government, based on the National Development Plan 2014-2030, "focused on reducing poverty, social development, inclusive economic growth and Paraguay's inclusion in the global economy," included greater government transparency and more responsibility, "in a serious attempt to combat corruption and the inefficiency of the public sector."
Investors are always on the lookout for stable economies. And the risk agencies improved the Paraguayan banknotes.
Paraguay was able to diversify its economic base, which was heavily dependent on agricultural exports and electricity (for its holdings in Itaipu and Yacyretá). By 2012, agriculture accounted for almost a quarter of Paraguay's GDP, while industry and construction accounted for just over 6%. Agribusiness currently generates 15% of GDP, and industry and construction have grown to 20%.
The regulatory framework created by the government to encourage public-private partnerships as a way to address the country's infrastructure deficit, further encouraging investment in the sector was what developed the construction business in the country.
One important strategy for the country's government is its support for factories known as "maquilas". The Maquila law provides competitive conditions for international companies to assemble their products in Paraguay for export. More than 150 companies operate in Paraguay under the law - 70% from 2013 - producing everything from auto parts to shoes and toys.
With convincing incentives, including tax incentives, full repatriation of capital and profits, and equal rights for foreign investors and local businesses, as well as a strategic position at the heart of Mercosur, Paraguay is seeing a wave of foreign investment from its neighbors, as well as from farther, Europe, North America and Asia.
It is a small market by Latin American standards, however, it reminds investors that the Paraguayan market extends to neighboring Brazil and Argentina, which together total 250 million people.

Uruguay is a country with excellent conditions for foreign investment. The country proposes to actively promote investments through a completely open method, without restrictions: there are no limits to the participation of foreign capital in commercial companies, there is free distribution of capital and profits, credits are favorable and some taxes are even exonerated in sectors.
Political transparency and legal certainty in Uruguay are important for foreign investment. Agro, real estate, and finance are the most heavily forecasted areas of investment: although all sectors favored a stable economic situation with very low levels of risk. With an enormous diversity of resources and a territory of great fertility, the agricultural sector is one of the most attractive to invest in Uruguay.
The State offers subsidies and concrete solutions to certain projects, to which are added climatic advantages and the solid indices of growth of the sector. The Montevideo Stock Exchange is a great destination for those who prefer to invest in the financial area. The Uruguayan market has vast experience and prestige, and its agencies offer all the necessary advice to invest in the stock market.
The real estate market in Uruguay is becoming more attractive to investors, thanks to the growing appreciation of properties and land. The commercialization of real estate in Uruguay is simple for foreigners, since it is not necessary to be a resident to own properties in Uruguay. Montevideo, Punta de Este and rural areas are the most sought after areas for real estate investment.